Our vein experts have successfully and safely treated thousands of patients, even patients who have failed treatments at other facilities. In fact, we specialize in helping patients who have been misdiagnosed or received ineffective treatments.
Our board-certified vein experts diagnose and treat every vein condition to alleviate symptoms involving the legs. These include:
How Leg Veins Work
Because you do not have a heart in your foot to pump blood up to your chest, veins have the difficult task of moving blood from your feet and legs up to your chest against gravity and distance. This is done with what is termed a calf muscle pump and one-way valves. As you move your legs, veins are compressed by muscles and blood moves up to the heart via the one-way valves in the veins. When the one-way valves are damaged, the blood moves in both directions (up and down) which causes abnormal pressures (venous hypertension) and symptoms such as leg pain, swelling, itching, cramping, heaviness, fatigue, discomfort and restless legs. The abnormal pressures can also cause varicose veins, spider veins, ulcers and skin discoloration and thickening.
Symptoms can worsen over time if left untreated.
Signs & Symptoms of Vein Disease
Superficial venous reflux develops when the vein valves that keep blood flowing out of your legs and back to your heart become damaged or diseased. This can cause blood to gather in your legs and result in dilated or varicose veins.
Common signs and symptoms of superficial venous reflux in your legs:
Varicose veins
Leg or ankle swelling
Leg ulcers
Heaviness and fatigue in your legs
Leg pain, aching or cramping
Burning or itching of the skin
Restless legs
Skin changes on your legs
Stages of Vein Disease
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can develop at any age, but advanced age is a risk factor.
CVI also tends to be more prevalent in people who:
Have a family history
Work jobs that require them to spend a great deal of time standing or sitting
Travel long distance frequently
Have been pregnant
Lack exercise or are overweight
Had previous surgery/trauma or blood clots
5 Easy Steps to Keeping Your Legs Healthy
Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time
Elevate your legs
Exercise regularly
Manage your weight
Wear graduated compression socks and stockings
VEIN CONSULTATION Schedule a Vein Consultation to have your vein issues evaluated